(call to order 10:00)
(5 Board Members, 15 Attendance)
Invocation: given by H. N Bitter
Pledge: lead by Dennis Leff
Secretary’s Report: December by Frances Bitter – Read by Janet Miller - Motion for approval by Dennis Leff, 2nd H.N. Bitter, all approved
Treasurer’s Report: Frances Bitter – Motion for approval by Janet Miller, Dennis Leff 2nd, all approved.
FCS Community Council Checking Account
December 31, 2024 ending bank balance $17,436.15 (checkbook and bank balance reconcile) Note: $10,088.35 in reserve for baler, $3,000.00 in reserve for Adult Center remodel.
FC Days Checking Account
December 31, 2024, ending balance $6,677.08
Raffle Checking Account
December 31, 2024, ending balance $4,982.79
Committee Reports:
Hangover Lunch/ Polar Plunge: 78% profit on event. Report done for next year with suggestions. Polar Plunge had 12 – good start for 1st time.
Fort Clark Days: Still need someone to Chair Ladies Tea. Next meeting Jan 17 1:30pm BR, T-shirt will be presented for color
Gun Raffle: Tom Kovack, December winners 1st (gun option) Rick Meyers, 2nd (Optics) Chip Riggins, 3rd (Letherman) Rob Retif
Email vote (all board approved 12/26) for Marla Palmer $395.00 CPR/AED training class to be able to assist Tom in classes. Also voted for $42.00 paid for members to take classes.
Discussion: on next raffle something different – suggestion kayak, firepit, etc. Alicia Christian – we need a mission statement.
Unfinished Business:
Adult Center – Richard to meet with Charlena again for game plan & FUD is currently stalled – however Alicia will request FUD information from Travis Huey & pass to Richard. Sharon Wolfe will help with getting information & why no Historical Marker on Adult Center (old hospital).
Nomination for CC & Election – No member spoke up, so H.N. Bitter Vice President & Janet Miller Secretary were unanimous vote for another 2-year term.
Great Texas Birding Classic – Alicia will speak with Marla & Troy Hibbits that are naturalists.
New Business:
Up Coming Events/Fund Raisers: RV Park Firepit Sat evenings, Auction at Firehouse Sat Feb 15, Historical Society Program Sat Feb 22 on Wagon Trains.
Community Concerns:
Alicia had spoken with Charlena (GM) on color coding vehicles, which was thought Security was doing. Alicia spoke with person at guard shack & was informed they just wrote on whatever color they grabbed. Richard will talk to Matt.
Sharon asked about Welcome Packet. Vickie Lee stated there were packets, ran out, requested more & still waiting for. Need follow-up
Kathy Warm mention winners of Gun Raffle needs to be posted online & paper. What would be cost to advertise in Del Rio, Uvalde Papers?
Bill Herman spoke on Spectrum damage. Richard stated that documentation and pictures need to be sent to Charlena Cavender (GM). Keep records on items sent & conversations (who you spoke to & when).
Adjourned 11:34
Submitted by: Janet Miller