Meeting Minutes December 9, 2024
Submitted by Frances Bitter
Community Council Meeting 12-7-2024
Meeting was called to order by vice-president H.N. Bitter at 10:00 a.m.
Board members present were H.N. Bitter, Frances Bitter, and Dennis Leff.
Moment of silence.
The pledge was led by Dennis Leff.
H.N. Bitter installed Richard Moore as President fulfilling Stephanie Calderon’s term. Richard read and signed the pledge.
Minutes were read by H.N. Bitter. The motion to approve was made by Frances Bitter, seconded by Dennis Leff and approved by all.
Treasurer’s Report – Community Council balance as of November 30 was $16,754.47, the Fort Clark Days account was $7,579.86, and the Raffle account was $5862.17. Motion to approve was made by H.N. Bitter and seconded by Dennis Leff. Approved by all.
Ghostly Tours – the final accounting was $2082.50. This amount was split evenly between Community Council and Fort Clark Springs Association.
Fort Clark Days – looking for a new person to chair the Ladies Tea. Everything needed is in Shafter Hall except food.
Raffle – Tom Kovacs recommends doing a raffle twice a year instead of quarterly and looking for other items rather than guns. Suggestions were a cruise, a day at Drive Tanks, etc.
AED – the new AED is in. We need to decide where to put it. Suggestions are the RV park, Creekside, and security. Richard will get with Charlena Cavender to discuss. Tom can train 4 people per class at a cost of $42 a person for 2 years’ certification. The training could be paid for or supplemented from the raffle funds.
Christmas Movie for the School – Kathy Warm volunteered to make popcorn.
Adult Center – Has to be cleaned of bat guano and the northeast wall taken out and insulation removed to see what kind of damage is there.
FUD – Richard will discuss with Charlena and try to get things moving.
Great Texas Birding Classic – tabled
Post Theater Floor – waiting to hear from John Wylie
NCO – Warren Thompson’s crew will replace the kitchen floor January 2nd – 16th.
Audio System – Frances will communicate with Marilyn McNurlin and David Loftus about using the Old Quarry system if Community Council system will not work.
Frontier Christmas – raffle tickets will be sold. Tom will acquire a booth. Warren will be driving his RV pulling a trailer with the band on it, and a trike. Vehicles will be decorated at the firehouse on December 13 and 14.
Nomination Committee – Janet Miller for secretary, H.N. Bitter for Vice-President, Annabel McNew for either.
Nominations are open until the January meeting.
Empty Saddle – Janet Miller decorated the historic sign for Christmas. If anyone else wants to decorate feel free.
New Years Day Lunch – headed by Janet Miller and Frances Bitter. Will work with Daniel to see if bar can be open.
Community Concerns:
Cats inside Creekside must be removed to prevent health and safety issues that could close them
down for 30 days. A large sponsor will not give to FCD because of allergy to cats and will not be
able to use the round of golf.
Ballots must have member number on the ballot to be counted. Election committee will check
closely. Ballots that are not counted should be returned to the BOD secretary for investigation.
People who are no longer members are still receiving ballots per Kathy Warm. Asked her to
report to Admin.
Announcements – none
Adjourned 11:50 a.m.
Meeting was called to order by vice-president H.N. Bitter at 10:00 a.m.
Board members present were H.N. Bitter, Frances Bitter, and Dennis Leff.
Moment of silence.
The pledge was led by Dennis Leff.
H.N. Bitter installed Richard Moore as President fulfilling Stephanie Calderon’s term. Richard read and signed the pledge.
Minutes were read by H.N. Bitter. The motion to approve was made by Frances Bitter, seconded by Dennis Leff and approved by all.
Treasurer’s Report – Community Council balance as of November 30 was $16,754.47, the Fort Clark Days account was $7,579.86, and the Raffle account was $5862.17. Motion to approve was made by H.N. Bitter and seconded by Dennis Leff. Approved by all.
Ghostly Tours – the final accounting was $2082.50. This amount was split evenly between Community Council and Fort Clark Springs Association.
Fort Clark Days – looking for a new person to chair the Ladies Tea. Everything needed is in Shafter Hall except food.
Raffle – Tom Kovacs recommends doing a raffle twice a year instead of quarterly and looking for other items rather than guns. Suggestions were a cruise, a day at Drive Tanks, etc.
AED – the new AED is in. We need to decide where to put it. Suggestions are the RV park, Creekside, and security. Richard will get with Charlena Cavender to discuss. Tom can train 4 people per class at a cost of $42 a person for 2 years’ certification. The training could be paid for or supplemented from the raffle funds.
Christmas Movie for the School – Kathy Warm volunteered to make popcorn.
Adult Center – Has to be cleaned of bat guano and the northeast wall taken out and insulation removed to see what kind of damage is there.
FUD – Richard will discuss with Charlena and try to get things moving.
Great Texas Birding Classic – tabled
Post Theater Floor – waiting to hear from John Wylie
NCO – Warren Thompson’s crew will replace the kitchen floor January 2nd – 16th.
Audio System – Frances will communicate with Marilyn McNurlin and David Loftus about using the Old Quarry system if Community Council system will not work.
Frontier Christmas – raffle tickets will be sold. Tom will acquire a booth. Warren will be driving his RV pulling a trailer with the band on it, and a trike. Vehicles will be decorated at the firehouse on December 13 and 14.
Nomination Committee – Janet Miller for secretary, H.N. Bitter for Vice-President, Annabel McNew for either.
Nominations are open until the January meeting.
Empty Saddle – Janet Miller decorated the historic sign for Christmas. If anyone else wants to decorate feel free.
New Years Day Lunch – headed by Janet Miller and Frances Bitter. Will work with Daniel to see if bar can be open.
Community Concerns:
Cats inside Creekside must be removed to prevent health and safety issues that could close them
down for 30 days. A large sponsor will not give to FCD because of allergy to cats and will not be
able to use the round of golf.
Ballots must have member number on the ballot to be counted. Election committee will check
closely. Ballots that are not counted should be returned to the BOD secretary for investigation.
People who are no longer members are still receiving ballots per Kathy Warm. Asked her to
report to Admin.
Announcements – none
Adjourned 11:50 a.m.