Meeting Minutes October 12, 2024
Submitted by Janet Miller
Call to order 10:00 am
4 Board Members present, Dennis Absent, 10 Attendance
Invocation: given by H. N Bitter
Pledge: lead by Stephanie Calderon
Secretary’s Report: Janet Miller – Motion for approval by Frances Bitter, 2nd H.N .Bitter, all approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Frances Bitter – Janet Miller motion for approval, H.N Bitter 2nd, all approved.
FCS Community Council Checking Account
September 30, 2024, ending bank balance $16,406.95 (checkbook and bank balance reconcile) Note: $88.35 in reserve for baler, $10,000.00 reserve from Coca-Cola Grant $3,000.00 in reserve for Adult Center remodel.
FC Days Checking Account
September 30, 2024, ending balance $7,449.86
Raffle Checking Account
September 30, 2024, ending balance $3,989.52 (raffle #2 }
Committee Reports:
Ghostly Tours: Travis Huey concerned about Spectrum digging locations could affect tour. Warren Thompson brought up that not everyone uses digital media to pay for things. Suggested front office handle those who want to pay cash. Next meeting November 16 @ 6pm boardroom (zoom available).
Fort Clark Days: Stephanie Calderon has been in contact with Terry Theis and Lee Hale. Judge Roy Bean Museum – Frances Bitter will pass information to Mallory. Travis spoke for Annabell (not present) – we should touch base with Kinney County Historical Commission about their historical calendar. Art contest will end October 15. Next FCD’s meeting October 20th 1:30pm boardroom.
Raffle: Committee members not present-
Unfinished Business:
Adult Center: (aka The Old Hospital) – Frances ask Memo Guzman if Administration moving offices to Adult Center. He suggested writing letter to Charlena (GM) and Board. We have $3,000 in reserve to fix up for historians only. FUD (government program to remove asbestos) Stephanie passed information to Charlena a couple months ago. She was busy with budget- pending reply
AED - tabled
Bugle and Bugle Box- Amos Trisler only did online. Janet will get Stephanie copies of The Bugler hard copies from box for reference.
Great Texas Birding Classic: Tabled
Road Striping: No progress still: Tabled
Post Theatre: Warren will be working with John Wylie on stage flooring. Warren has specialized equipment for projects.
Floor Guard Shack: Charlena will be using vinyl flooring instead of donated tile. She wants tile for RV bathrooms. Not enough for that project. Subject closed.
Old Quarry Audio System: Tabled
Security: allowing people in without permission- tabled
New Business:
Fall Festival: Nov 16th - Community Council will have booth with FC Days information and T-shirts. Also, exciting news on T-shirt contest for 2025 design.
Nomination Committee- terms expiring – H.N. Bitter - Vice President and Janet Miller - Secretary. Both have agreed to run again. Annabell McNew has an interest in being on board. November meeting, we will assign committee. Note: January 2025 meeting members will vote.
Donation: Janet read letter from Kinney County Jr Livestock. $100.00 motion by Frances, 2nd by Stephanie, all approved
Ghostly Tours Wed 16th 6pm boardroom with zoom, FC Days Sun 20th 1:30pm boardroom.
Community Concerns:
Warren stated newspaper is important and need to support, utilize for projects. Warren - NCO club needs paint and repair sagging floor.
Adjourned 11:10
4 Board Members present, Dennis Absent, 10 Attendance
Invocation: given by H. N Bitter
Pledge: lead by Stephanie Calderon
Secretary’s Report: Janet Miller – Motion for approval by Frances Bitter, 2nd H.N .Bitter, all approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Frances Bitter – Janet Miller motion for approval, H.N Bitter 2nd, all approved.
FCS Community Council Checking Account
September 30, 2024, ending bank balance $16,406.95 (checkbook and bank balance reconcile) Note: $88.35 in reserve for baler, $10,000.00 reserve from Coca-Cola Grant $3,000.00 in reserve for Adult Center remodel.
FC Days Checking Account
September 30, 2024, ending balance $7,449.86
Raffle Checking Account
September 30, 2024, ending balance $3,989.52 (raffle #2 }
Committee Reports:
Ghostly Tours: Travis Huey concerned about Spectrum digging locations could affect tour. Warren Thompson brought up that not everyone uses digital media to pay for things. Suggested front office handle those who want to pay cash. Next meeting November 16 @ 6pm boardroom (zoom available).
Fort Clark Days: Stephanie Calderon has been in contact with Terry Theis and Lee Hale. Judge Roy Bean Museum – Frances Bitter will pass information to Mallory. Travis spoke for Annabell (not present) – we should touch base with Kinney County Historical Commission about their historical calendar. Art contest will end October 15. Next FCD’s meeting October 20th 1:30pm boardroom.
Raffle: Committee members not present-
Unfinished Business:
Adult Center: (aka The Old Hospital) – Frances ask Memo Guzman if Administration moving offices to Adult Center. He suggested writing letter to Charlena (GM) and Board. We have $3,000 in reserve to fix up for historians only. FUD (government program to remove asbestos) Stephanie passed information to Charlena a couple months ago. She was busy with budget- pending reply
AED - tabled
Bugle and Bugle Box- Amos Trisler only did online. Janet will get Stephanie copies of The Bugler hard copies from box for reference.
Great Texas Birding Classic: Tabled
Road Striping: No progress still: Tabled
Post Theatre: Warren will be working with John Wylie on stage flooring. Warren has specialized equipment for projects.
Floor Guard Shack: Charlena will be using vinyl flooring instead of donated tile. She wants tile for RV bathrooms. Not enough for that project. Subject closed.
Old Quarry Audio System: Tabled
Security: allowing people in without permission- tabled
New Business:
Fall Festival: Nov 16th - Community Council will have booth with FC Days information and T-shirts. Also, exciting news on T-shirt contest for 2025 design.
Nomination Committee- terms expiring – H.N. Bitter - Vice President and Janet Miller - Secretary. Both have agreed to run again. Annabell McNew has an interest in being on board. November meeting, we will assign committee. Note: January 2025 meeting members will vote.
Donation: Janet read letter from Kinney County Jr Livestock. $100.00 motion by Frances, 2nd by Stephanie, all approved
Ghostly Tours Wed 16th 6pm boardroom with zoom, FC Days Sun 20th 1:30pm boardroom.
Community Concerns:
Warren stated newspaper is important and need to support, utilize for projects. Warren - NCO club needs paint and repair sagging floor.
Adjourned 11:10