Meeting Minutes April 20, 2019
Submitted by Kathi Warm
Board Trustees present: Steve Giblin, Kathi Warm, Bob Hendricks. Absent was Jennifer Link.
There were 8 members that signed in.
The meeting was held at the FCSA boardroom, and called to order at 10:05 am by Vice President Steve Giblin.
Invocation given by Steve Giblin with a pledge of allegiance following.
Update on president vacancy. Report given by Steve Giblin.
At an earlier executive session with Allison Watkinson present, it was discussed that Allison Watkinson would be willing to fill the presidential vacancy until January’s annual meeting in 2020. This was contingent on the basis that she would do it if no other member present at the April 20 meeting would volunteer. There are only 2 more meetings until then. One in Sept. and one in Nov., 2019. This action was taken due to a number of unforeseen circumstances.
Nominations were opened for election of president of Fort Cark Community Council. There being none, Phyllis Giblin motioned to appoint Allison Watkinson for president of Community Council until Jan. 2020. Seconded by Steve Giblin. Appointment passed unanimously. It was again noted that Allison Watkinson would not seek another term in January, 2020.
Sandra Vance volunteered to fill the member-at-large vacancy. This position is ongoing. There isn’t any term limit.
The two trustees were sworn in by Secretary, Kathi Warm. After swearing in, Allison presided over the rest of the meeting with Sandra taking the position of member-at-large.
Minutes of the meeting of January 12, 2019 as posted on web site were approved by Bob Hendricks and seconded by Steve Giblin. Passed unanimously.
Lisa Vale would stay as Ft. Clark Springs Community Council web mistress for the Facebook page.
Allison posted a copy of current reconciliation statement on screen. She noted that some corrections will be made. FCSA should be (FCA) Fellowship of Church Athletes. $500.00 was donated to them for their help with ghostly tours. $25.00 was paid to FCSA for renting Post Theater for movie night. Fort Clark Days infrastructure is $1,433.33 with $233.82 going for 2-year contract for web site. It was noted that the missing PDF breakdowns from previous statements would be posted at a later date.
Scholarship committee
Kathi Warm mentioned that the committee selected 2 Brackettville High School seniors out of the 5 that applied and each will receive a $500.00 scholarship. Funds will be given to the school selected. The check will not go to the recipient. It was mentioned by committee members that some students don’t want to take the time to apply for a small monetary award. The committee thought the notice should have been posted in the paper so maybe more applicants would apply.
Lisa Vale volunteered to go out and get donations. Discussion followed to make sure Community Council request an open gate venue. Ask FCSA to donate 2 movies, or a monetary donation to purchase concessions
Discussion about why we would have member-only venues when we want to bring more money into the fort. A lengthy discussion followed. Discussion about the open house at the airport about a member only venue. We should make an earnest effort to invite people from town to come to activities.
Movie night will be the second Saturday of each month. If we show 15 movies in one year, we get a discount. Allison will check with Wendy Knox, acting president of Old Quarry to make sure there won’t be a conflict of venues. May movie was selected “Christopher Robbin.” A lengthy discussion followed as to whether we show some general movies geared toward some older children. Volunteers are still needed. Kathi Warm volunteered to do the 4:00 and 7:00 showing May 11. Bob Hendricks will come for training to help out. June’s movie will be outside and shown on the Post Theater wall. No movie was selected.
Shafter Hall
Kathi Warm is cleaning up the storage room at Shafter. She is almost done organizing the files and eliminating items that are well used. Old documents are being disposed of that are earlier than 2010. Items are being given to Sandra Vance for the FCD garage sale.
Ghostly Tours
Lisa Conoly will help out again. The event will be only one weekend in Oct. Discussion about using first floor of Seminole building, Commissary, or adult center. No decision made yet. The old wagon was refurbished by Russell Nowell, Ray Davis, Phil Coburn, and Don Terry. It will help with the wagon ride for those times.
Fort Clark Days 2020
Sandra Vance gave a lengthy update on FCD 2020. She is selling drinks at the airport open house and has a donation from Old Quarry of $80.00. She is in need of some physical help moving the ice chests around at the airport. There will be a garage sale in Del Rio on May 11. She has flyers up and will advertise it in the paper, the Dispatch, and hopefully, the visitor center in Del Rio.
Rentable buildings
A lengthy discussion followed on how FCSA could charge a fee for using the Commissary, Seminole building, and Shafter Hall when it is obvious that they are not rentable in the present condition. The only rentable buildings would be the NCO Club, the Post Theater, and Dickman Hall.
FCD Sponsorship
Discussion about major sponsors of Fort Clark Days.
FCSA Gun Club
FCSA motel occupancy is usually booked. People use the bar. People stay in the RV park.
Sandra is looking at contacting the solar farm, the wind farm, the pipeline companies, and the oil companies to make a donation. A lengthy discussion followed with ideas and thoughts about who else could be contacted.
Garden Club
Phyllis Giblin. Open house and sale went well. Weather was perfect and it was well attended.
Book Club
Phyllis Giblin. Meet 3rd Monday of every month at adult center at 1:00 pm.
There being no further business, meeting was adjourned by Allison Watkinson at 11:16 am.
Minutes respectively submitted
Kathleen Warm, Secretary.