Meeting Minutes January 9, 2016
Submitted by Gina Forister
Present : Norma Rowland, Judy Winchell, Sherri White, Helena McBride, Gina Forister, Allison Watkinson,
Kathi Warm and 21 members.
In place of the invocation we had a moment of silence, followed with the Pledge of Allegiance.
MINUTES for December meeting read by Gina Forister. Minutes approved
TREASURER'S REPORT for December was read by Helena McBride . Treasury report approved.
No Correspondence.
Norma asked if the members had any nominations to the Community Council board. None were made.
Norma called on Charles Fields to swear him in as a member at large. Norma Rowland will be president, Judy
Winchell,/VP, Allison Watkinson/treasurer, Gina Forister/secretary, Kathi Warm and Charles Fields/members
at large. Since we will not be having Bingo the 2 nd vp position is not needed at this time.
Fort Clark Days: Debbie Issac gave a brief report and stated that everyone was invited to attend the next
meeting on Tuesday Jan. 12 at 4pm in the board room.
BUIDLINGS & RESTORATION: Debbie Issac reported that more work needed to be done on Seminole Hall.
The next project would be the Adult Center. Discussion followed.
GOLF: Debbie Issac gave a report on how many golfers they had in December and the income.
HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Jim Tischler and Charles Fields reported.
RECYCLE: Bill Herman & Judy Winchell reported. Beth West was introduce as the new manger of recycle.
Discussion followed
OLD QUARRY: Sandy Herman stated that the Valentine Dinner & Play would be on February 11 & 12.
RECREATION COMMITTEE: Jim Tischler reported that on Jan. 25 at about 6:307
pm Mary Ellen Miner would
be presenting. They will have desserts.
Shafter Hall: Since we do not have Bingo, we would like to find other functions at Shafter Hall. The members
were asked to think about some activities that they would enjoy having . Discussion followed.
Norma asked the members if they knew of someone that could do an audit for Community Council 2015 .
Suggestions were Jill Daniels and Charles Kelly.
Helena McBride reported on AirLife.
If anyone needs an application they can get one at the library.
Jim Tischler said that on Monday at 6:30 in the Adult Center they will be playing Texas Hold them. On
Wednesday night they play pool.
Debbie Issac reminded everyone that the deadline to turn in the candidate data sheet for anyone that is
interested in running for the board of directors is Monday at 5pm.
Norma opened a discussion to have someone come in to do an educational program on the Open carry law
on firearms. Discussion followed. We do not have a definite date at this time.
Norma advised that Community Council would not do the candidate forum. Discussion followed. Allison
Watkinson stated that if we could establish guidelines for the forum that she would be willing to be the
Allison Watkinson is the treasurer for FCS Community Council 2016. She will be added to the bank account.
Meeting Adjourned at 10:55
Norma presented Lydia Solis from New Horizon. Topic Domestic Violence
Kathi Warm and 21 members.
In place of the invocation we had a moment of silence, followed with the Pledge of Allegiance.
MINUTES for December meeting read by Gina Forister. Minutes approved
TREASURER'S REPORT for December was read by Helena McBride . Treasury report approved.
No Correspondence.
Norma asked if the members had any nominations to the Community Council board. None were made.
Norma called on Charles Fields to swear him in as a member at large. Norma Rowland will be president, Judy
Winchell,/VP, Allison Watkinson/treasurer, Gina Forister/secretary, Kathi Warm and Charles Fields/members
at large. Since we will not be having Bingo the 2 nd vp position is not needed at this time.
Fort Clark Days: Debbie Issac gave a brief report and stated that everyone was invited to attend the next
meeting on Tuesday Jan. 12 at 4pm in the board room.
BUIDLINGS & RESTORATION: Debbie Issac reported that more work needed to be done on Seminole Hall.
The next project would be the Adult Center. Discussion followed.
GOLF: Debbie Issac gave a report on how many golfers they had in December and the income.
HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Jim Tischler and Charles Fields reported.
RECYCLE: Bill Herman & Judy Winchell reported. Beth West was introduce as the new manger of recycle.
Discussion followed
OLD QUARRY: Sandy Herman stated that the Valentine Dinner & Play would be on February 11 & 12.
RECREATION COMMITTEE: Jim Tischler reported that on Jan. 25 at about 6:307
pm Mary Ellen Miner would
be presenting. They will have desserts.
Shafter Hall: Since we do not have Bingo, we would like to find other functions at Shafter Hall. The members
were asked to think about some activities that they would enjoy having . Discussion followed.
Norma asked the members if they knew of someone that could do an audit for Community Council 2015 .
Suggestions were Jill Daniels and Charles Kelly.
Helena McBride reported on AirLife.
If anyone needs an application they can get one at the library.
Jim Tischler said that on Monday at 6:30 in the Adult Center they will be playing Texas Hold them. On
Wednesday night they play pool.
Debbie Issac reminded everyone that the deadline to turn in the candidate data sheet for anyone that is
interested in running for the board of directors is Monday at 5pm.
Norma opened a discussion to have someone come in to do an educational program on the Open carry law
on firearms. Discussion followed. We do not have a definite date at this time.
Norma advised that Community Council would not do the candidate forum. Discussion followed. Allison
Watkinson stated that if we could establish guidelines for the forum that she would be willing to be the
Allison Watkinson is the treasurer for FCS Community Council 2016. She will be added to the bank account.
Meeting Adjourned at 10:55
Norma presented Lydia Solis from New Horizon. Topic Domestic Violence