Meeting Minutes December 16, 2023 Submitted by Janet Miller
Call to order 10:04
3 Board Members, 8 Members present
Invocation: given by Barbara McFadden with moment of silence for passing of Phil Coburn
Pledge: led by Dennis Leff
Secretary’s Report: Janet Miller read November 11, 2023, minutes – report approved
Treasurer’s Report: Frances Bitter absent, report read by Barbara McFadden
FCS Community Council Checking Account
November 1, 2023: ending bank balance $14621.24.
November 30,2023: ending bank balance $21018.81 (checkbook and bank balance reconcile)
Income & Expense Report
$12,128.15 in reserve for recycle baler.
$3000 in reserve for Commissary bathroom remodel
Income/Expense Description Credit Debit
Coca Cola Grant 10,000
Ghostly Tours 622.89
Total Income 10,622.89
Deposit for Recycle Concrete Slab 4,140.00
Amazon Prime Membership Fee 14.99
Bob Boucher, Recycle 70.33
Total Expenses 4,225.32
Ending Balance 21,018.81
FC Days Checking Account
November 1, 2023 ending bank balance $9000
November 30, 2023 ending bank balance $9,340.50
Income/Expense Description Credit Debit
Return of Bake Sale Startup 100.00
Profit from Bake Sale 305.50
Debra Cerney, Arts & Crafts 35.00
Total Income 440.50
Startup for Bake Sale 100.00
Total Expenses 100.00
Ending Balance 9,340.50
**Treasurer’s Report not approved. Questions on Ghostly Tours, Bob Boucher & Bake sale, Arts & Crafts – Barbara McFadden will speak with Frances.
Committee Reports:
Nominating: Dennis Leff stated neither him nor H.N Bitter have received any request to fill open President & Treasure’s (2 yr term) positions.
Eclipse: Next scheduled meeting Jan 14th 1:30 pm BR (hope for sooner meeting – watch for dispatch)
Barbara McFadden stated of the $4000 start-up, $2000 has been spent per Frances Bitter. Barbara to speak with Frances for details.
Fort Clark Days: Next meeting Jan 3rd, Jan 17th
Unfinished Business: Commissary Bathrooms still being worked on
Bugle Box is still tabled for more discussion.
Ghostly tours: suggestion made that Community Council should do. A question was raised about where profits should be distributed. Bill Herman suggested Preservation. Barbara stated there was not enough information or members present to move this issue forward.
2-Way Radio System: Barbara stated that since FCS Board requested Community Council to accept donation ($2500.00 value) under our 501(c)3, We need a full inventory of items & status of completion. Barbara McFadden has reached out several times to Chad with no reply. Barbara will speak to Lisa Vale and hopefully get more information.
Post Theatre seats in Commissary: Alicia Christian stated Gary can get football team members to help move seats for monetary donation. This will be tabled till the next meeting. Alicia will reach out to Old Quarry Club member David Loftest for information on seats in Post Theatre now & request attendance at our next CC meeting.
New Business: Barbara spoke at December 9th FCS Board Meeting – requested board liaison for FC Days & Eclipse (Jason Long accepted Eclipse & Memo Guzman accepted FC Days) Road striping still not completed & was told equipment comes from school & will be soon. FCS Board was informed of the risk to Community Councils 503(c)3, status if they change our second week meeting date again. They fully understood.
Hospital: Kathy Warm will write to all FCS Board members for update on repairs that Peterson had researched & received bids.
Great Texas Birding Classic: Barbara read about “Conservation Grant Project Proposal” to benefit native and wild bird populations. Grant deadline May 1st. Alicia is a birder and will talk to Javier with Parks & Wildlife. Wally Warm mentioned there were birding stands, but hunting affected the viewing sites. Need to form team to research this grant.
Movie Night: December 19th two daytime showing for kids & 1 nighttime showing for families. Popcorn & drinks at night show. Steve Giblin discussed the condition of Post theatre - damaged stage, mold, asbestos. Barbara & Janet will go look at after meeting. Barbara will contact Allison Watkinson
Adjourned 11:50
Submitted by Frances Bitter
No meeting due to lack of board quorum and no attendees. Power was out for AEP customers.