Meeting Minutes June 12, 2021
Submitted by Tyeanna Johnson
Board Trustees present: Natanya Watkinson, H.N. Bitter, Tyeanna Johnson
Absent: Dennis Leff, Kathleen Warm
Board meeting called to order at 9:37 by Natanya.
Items Discussed
Fort Clark Days meeting Wednesday @ 6:00 at the adult center
The next movie will be July 2nd outside the post theatre. There is a poll online for the next movie to vote for Grease, Scoob, or Tom and Jerry. Grease is in the lead. Poll will be open until Friday. Natanya Watkinson made a motion that Tyeanna Johnson look into purchasing a blow up screen for outdoor movies for $250. H.N. Bitter seconded the motion. Saturday, September 4th will be the next movie. The only thing we are short on is popcorn for concessions.
Community Council Meeting
The meeting was held in the BOD room and called to order by Natanya Watkinson at 10:02.There were 3 members present.
Invocation-H.N. Bitter gave the invocation with a special prayer for our country. Pledge of Allegiance followed.
May Minutes- Natanya reported that the May minutes were approved through email and posted on our website.
April treasurer’s report- Tyeanna reported that the balance for the FCS account as of May 31st was $940.85 and the FCD account balance was $7042.26 as of May 31st. The report is posted on our website.
Email votes-approval of May minutes.
White Stallion and Arrowhead were shown on Memorial Day weekend at the Amphitheater with historical presentations before the show. Concessions and attendance were great.
Next movie is July 2nd projected on the post theatre wall outside at 9:00. Bring chairs, golf carts and mosquito spray. A donation for the movie would be $210. An anonymous donation was made.
Ghostly tours will tentatively be planned for October 29th and 30th. The first meeting will be in September. Allison Watkinson suggested beginning recording podcasts for the different routes and people can pay to get access to the podcasts through golf carts. This income pays for scholarships at the end of the year. H.N. Bitters is in charge of ghostly tours. Allison Watkinson will talk to Sherry Newman about crafts during ghostly tours and carving pumpkins.
Fort Clark Days Update
The next meeting is Wed. June 16 at the adult center at 6:00. Food vendors are already approved. Sponsorship letters are written and need to start getting sponsorships to cover expenses of at least $8,000. Goal is to make $15,000 to $20,000 this year. Steven Fox is the sponsorship committee chair if anyone knows for businesses that would like to donate. Visit for more information. All committee chair positions are filled except the Ladies Tea position for Fort Clark Days.
The Fort will be handling the Arts & Crafts section which will give them a vested interest in FCD and marketing.
Club reports/Announcements
Club reports-None
Announcements- No announcements
Member Comments/Concerns
A community member wanted to know if we could get a list of people for the community to know who is employed for certain occupations. Putting business cards on the bulletin boards at the administration building and the adult center were suggested and also adding individuals to the community council facebook page.
Natanya will check with Allen to use the adult center bulletin for handyman information. Individuals can also contact the HOPE center for volunteers and information.
The Fort Clark Dispatch is willing to put a column for the community about Fort Clark Days or anything that we would like to post that is relevant to the community. The deadline is the 15th of each month and can be submitted to [email protected]. 500 words or less and pictures can be submitted. There is a dispatch meeting Tuesday at 1:30 that we have been invited to attend to discuss ghostly tours etc. Tyeanna Johnson was asked to attend and report.
Allison Watkinson suggested geocaching on the fort as a fun electronic activity to get the younger generation involved on the fort.
Next meeting is September 11th.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:.25
Respectfully submitted
Tyeanna Johnson
Standing in for Kathi Warm, Secretary
Absent: Dennis Leff, Kathleen Warm
Board meeting called to order at 9:37 by Natanya.
Items Discussed
Fort Clark Days meeting Wednesday @ 6:00 at the adult center
The next movie will be July 2nd outside the post theatre. There is a poll online for the next movie to vote for Grease, Scoob, or Tom and Jerry. Grease is in the lead. Poll will be open until Friday. Natanya Watkinson made a motion that Tyeanna Johnson look into purchasing a blow up screen for outdoor movies for $250. H.N. Bitter seconded the motion. Saturday, September 4th will be the next movie. The only thing we are short on is popcorn for concessions.
Community Council Meeting
The meeting was held in the BOD room and called to order by Natanya Watkinson at 10:02.There were 3 members present.
Invocation-H.N. Bitter gave the invocation with a special prayer for our country. Pledge of Allegiance followed.
May Minutes- Natanya reported that the May minutes were approved through email and posted on our website.
April treasurer’s report- Tyeanna reported that the balance for the FCS account as of May 31st was $940.85 and the FCD account balance was $7042.26 as of May 31st. The report is posted on our website.
Email votes-approval of May minutes.
White Stallion and Arrowhead were shown on Memorial Day weekend at the Amphitheater with historical presentations before the show. Concessions and attendance were great.
Next movie is July 2nd projected on the post theatre wall outside at 9:00. Bring chairs, golf carts and mosquito spray. A donation for the movie would be $210. An anonymous donation was made.
Ghostly tours will tentatively be planned for October 29th and 30th. The first meeting will be in September. Allison Watkinson suggested beginning recording podcasts for the different routes and people can pay to get access to the podcasts through golf carts. This income pays for scholarships at the end of the year. H.N. Bitters is in charge of ghostly tours. Allison Watkinson will talk to Sherry Newman about crafts during ghostly tours and carving pumpkins.
Fort Clark Days Update
The next meeting is Wed. June 16 at the adult center at 6:00. Food vendors are already approved. Sponsorship letters are written and need to start getting sponsorships to cover expenses of at least $8,000. Goal is to make $15,000 to $20,000 this year. Steven Fox is the sponsorship committee chair if anyone knows for businesses that would like to donate. Visit for more information. All committee chair positions are filled except the Ladies Tea position for Fort Clark Days.
The Fort will be handling the Arts & Crafts section which will give them a vested interest in FCD and marketing.
Club reports/Announcements
Club reports-None
Announcements- No announcements
Member Comments/Concerns
A community member wanted to know if we could get a list of people for the community to know who is employed for certain occupations. Putting business cards on the bulletin boards at the administration building and the adult center were suggested and also adding individuals to the community council facebook page.
Natanya will check with Allen to use the adult center bulletin for handyman information. Individuals can also contact the HOPE center for volunteers and information.
The Fort Clark Dispatch is willing to put a column for the community about Fort Clark Days or anything that we would like to post that is relevant to the community. The deadline is the 15th of each month and can be submitted to [email protected]. 500 words or less and pictures can be submitted. There is a dispatch meeting Tuesday at 1:30 that we have been invited to attend to discuss ghostly tours etc. Tyeanna Johnson was asked to attend and report.
Allison Watkinson suggested geocaching on the fort as a fun electronic activity to get the younger generation involved on the fort.
Next meeting is September 11th.
Meeting was adjourned at 11:.25
Respectfully submitted
Tyeanna Johnson
Standing in for Kathi Warm, Secretary