Meeting Minutes January 9, 2021
Submitted by Kathi Warm
Board trustees present: Natanya Watkinson, Linda O’Brien, Allison Watkinson, Kathleen Warm, Dennis Leff, H.N. Bitter
Board meeting called to order by Natanya at 9:35 am.
Items discussed
Board term and clarification-Due to various resignations, the terms for current officers were explained. Linda was finishing Steve Giblin’s term. Allison is resigning. Kathleen is finishing her term. Kathleen did say that if no one volunteered to run for secretary, she would serve again for a two-year term. H.N. volunteered to fill Vice President position. Allison informed the board the Tyeanna Johnson would accept the treasurer’s position.
Bylaw corrections-Kathi presented copies of Article II, Article V, sec. 9, and Article III sec. 2 and sec. 3. It was noted that there was a typographical error regarding duties of officers. She motioned to correct the typo errors. Natanya seconded, and the motion passed. Allison will make the corrections on the website. Kathi will make the corrections on the current bylaws.
Kinney County Livestock Show-Due to our meager bank account, it was suggested that we only donate $100.00 instead of the $300.00 we normally donate. Dennis motioned to donate $100.00, H.N. seconded. Motion passed. Allison wrote the check, and Kathi will give it to Katherine Gose at the livestock show today.
Postermywall-membership expires this year. Natanya explained the benefits of staying with this program. Linda motioned, H.N. seconded it, motion passed to spend $99.95 to renew our membership.
Forum obligations-H.N. will be outside to take written questions for candidates. Allison will be the moderator. Dennis will be inside to make sure people are wearing a mask and practice social distancing. Candidates will get invitations to attend the forum at next FCSA Board meeting.
Community Council Meeting
The meeting was held at the BOD room, and called to order by Natanya at 10:00 am. There were 13 members present, and the meeting was live streamed via Facebook.
Invocation-H.N. gave the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Correspondence-A letter from Kinney County Livestock show requesting a donation. It was mentioned to the members present that the board had voted to donate $100.00 as our accounts were low. A letter from Kinney County Church Alliance thanking us for sponsoring hole #15 at their tournament.
December, 2020 minutes-Kathi reported that minutes were approved via e-mail votes, and they are posted on our website.
January 2021 treasurer’s report and 2020 annual audit-Allison read the audit letter, and we are in compliance with IRS, our 501 c 3 status, and our bank accounts reconciled. Bank statements and audit letter are posted on our website.
GM Update-Alan gave updates on status of R.V. Park, Internet signal, motel renovations, and stairwell. He is in the process of purchasing 6 new computers, and an electrician will be out to look at lights in Unit 1, around the pool, and at the Fort entrance. Clean-up will take place at adult center, maintenance, and pool. No dead line for landfill completion, but it could be costly depending on how to cover up the old landfill.
Old Business-none
New Business-FCSCC Board nominations and election results:
Vice President-H.N. Bitter (2-year term.) 2021-2022
Secretary-Kathleen Warm (2-year term.) 2021-2022
Treasurer-Tyeanna Johnson (1 year term.) 2021
FCS Bylaws Committee Presentation-Travis Huey gave a presentation on what inconsistencies the committee has found in FCS bylaws. Travis and Linda answered questions and some clarification was given as to what they hope to accomplish with the FCS Board. Many questions from the members and a lengthy discussion followed. The PowerPoint presentation is also available on FCS website. Travis stressed state laws supersede HOA laws.
Natanya left the meeting and H.N. took over.
Fort Clark Days Update-None
Club reports-Garden Club will meet Thursday at Mary Frances’ house, and officers will be elected.
Member Comments/Concerns-There are 54 Covid cases in Kinney county and more information can be found at, and details on where one can get the vaccine. One can donate blood in Uvalde, but appts. are needed. Allison mentioned the stock show today and luncheon.
Allison explained that we will have a short meeting on Feb. 13 before the forum starts. Also, she reminded members that FCSCC board members can not endorse anyone running for office. That would be in violation of our 501 c 3 status.
Travis gave some information on the total eclipse that will take place April 8, 2024. Brackettville is in the direct path, and it is expected that people from around the world will come to see it. A lengthy discussion followed about how the Fort can benefit from this event, and that volunteers are needed to start planning.
Linda mentioned that a clean-up is planned for adult center top floor Tues. at 9:00 am. Bring cleaning supplies.
Next meeting is February 13th.
H.N. adjourned the meeting at 11:40 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Warm, Secretary
Board meeting called to order by Natanya at 9:35 am.
Items discussed
Board term and clarification-Due to various resignations, the terms for current officers were explained. Linda was finishing Steve Giblin’s term. Allison is resigning. Kathleen is finishing her term. Kathleen did say that if no one volunteered to run for secretary, she would serve again for a two-year term. H.N. volunteered to fill Vice President position. Allison informed the board the Tyeanna Johnson would accept the treasurer’s position.
Bylaw corrections-Kathi presented copies of Article II, Article V, sec. 9, and Article III sec. 2 and sec. 3. It was noted that there was a typographical error regarding duties of officers. She motioned to correct the typo errors. Natanya seconded, and the motion passed. Allison will make the corrections on the website. Kathi will make the corrections on the current bylaws.
Kinney County Livestock Show-Due to our meager bank account, it was suggested that we only donate $100.00 instead of the $300.00 we normally donate. Dennis motioned to donate $100.00, H.N. seconded. Motion passed. Allison wrote the check, and Kathi will give it to Katherine Gose at the livestock show today.
Postermywall-membership expires this year. Natanya explained the benefits of staying with this program. Linda motioned, H.N. seconded it, motion passed to spend $99.95 to renew our membership.
Forum obligations-H.N. will be outside to take written questions for candidates. Allison will be the moderator. Dennis will be inside to make sure people are wearing a mask and practice social distancing. Candidates will get invitations to attend the forum at next FCSA Board meeting.
Community Council Meeting
The meeting was held at the BOD room, and called to order by Natanya at 10:00 am. There were 13 members present, and the meeting was live streamed via Facebook.
Invocation-H.N. gave the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Correspondence-A letter from Kinney County Livestock show requesting a donation. It was mentioned to the members present that the board had voted to donate $100.00 as our accounts were low. A letter from Kinney County Church Alliance thanking us for sponsoring hole #15 at their tournament.
December, 2020 minutes-Kathi reported that minutes were approved via e-mail votes, and they are posted on our website.
January 2021 treasurer’s report and 2020 annual audit-Allison read the audit letter, and we are in compliance with IRS, our 501 c 3 status, and our bank accounts reconciled. Bank statements and audit letter are posted on our website.
GM Update-Alan gave updates on status of R.V. Park, Internet signal, motel renovations, and stairwell. He is in the process of purchasing 6 new computers, and an electrician will be out to look at lights in Unit 1, around the pool, and at the Fort entrance. Clean-up will take place at adult center, maintenance, and pool. No dead line for landfill completion, but it could be costly depending on how to cover up the old landfill.
Old Business-none
New Business-FCSCC Board nominations and election results:
Vice President-H.N. Bitter (2-year term.) 2021-2022
Secretary-Kathleen Warm (2-year term.) 2021-2022
Treasurer-Tyeanna Johnson (1 year term.) 2021
FCS Bylaws Committee Presentation-Travis Huey gave a presentation on what inconsistencies the committee has found in FCS bylaws. Travis and Linda answered questions and some clarification was given as to what they hope to accomplish with the FCS Board. Many questions from the members and a lengthy discussion followed. The PowerPoint presentation is also available on FCS website. Travis stressed state laws supersede HOA laws.
Natanya left the meeting and H.N. took over.
Fort Clark Days Update-None
Club reports-Garden Club will meet Thursday at Mary Frances’ house, and officers will be elected.
Member Comments/Concerns-There are 54 Covid cases in Kinney county and more information can be found at, and details on where one can get the vaccine. One can donate blood in Uvalde, but appts. are needed. Allison mentioned the stock show today and luncheon.
Allison explained that we will have a short meeting on Feb. 13 before the forum starts. Also, she reminded members that FCSCC board members can not endorse anyone running for office. That would be in violation of our 501 c 3 status.
Travis gave some information on the total eclipse that will take place April 8, 2024. Brackettville is in the direct path, and it is expected that people from around the world will come to see it. A lengthy discussion followed about how the Fort can benefit from this event, and that volunteers are needed to start planning.
Linda mentioned that a clean-up is planned for adult center top floor Tues. at 9:00 am. Bring cleaning supplies.
Next meeting is February 13th.
H.N. adjourned the meeting at 11:40 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Warm, Secretary