Meeting Minutes March 14, 2020
Submitted by Kathi Warm
Board trustees present: Natanya Watkinson, Linda O’Brien, Allison Watkinson, Kathleen Warm.
Absent: Sandra Vance.
FCS Community Council Board Meeting
Items discussed: Have a picture contest for marketing of 2021 FCD. 1st place would receive $100.00. Details will be worked out regarding waiver, dates, etc. 2020 buttons would be sold for $1.00. 2020 T-shirts for $18.00. Meetings will be streamed live.
Community Council meeting
The meeting was held at the FCSA boardroom, and called to order by Natanya at 10:05 am. She informed all present that we are now live streaming our meetings.
There were 29 members that signed in.
Invocation was given by Chuck Fields, and followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of February 8, 2020 were approved as posted to our website by Linda and seconded by Natanya. Motion passed unanimously.
Allison posted an income/expense report for FSCC from 2/1/2020 -2/29/2020. The $586.00 was for speakers that were used for FCD. Allison posted the income/expense report for FCD 2/1/2020-2/29/2020. Mentioned was the thanks to the volunteers that went out and received large donations. Statements are posted on our web site as are detailed PDFs for both accounts. She also explained that since we did not have a 2019 FCD we had $1,500.00-$2,000.00 for FCD 2020. The Duck Inn contributed $1,400 from sales.
Bylaws state that some of the FCD proceeds are to go to the Preservation Committee for restoring the outside of historical buildings. It was mentioned that the committee doesn’t need any money at this time. Topics discussed about what could be done to improve the buildings. Seminole Hall-replumb it so that it could become a revenue maker. Plumbing may cost $6,000.00. Elderhostels, bicycle groups, spelunkers, and various groups could use it for retreats. Post Theater- stage is weak, unstable and needs to be supported. Steve Giblin mentioned that when it rains, the water goes right underneath the floor. He mentioned it would probably cost more than $6,000.00 to repair. No decision made. Linda mentioned that the windows and doors of the Commissary are also in need of repair. They need to be stripped, stained and sealed. Robert Mumme mentioned that Saint Phillip has an apprentice program for plumbers, and they may be willing to come for lodging and meals.
Monday night, 6:00 p.m. at R.V. kitchen meeting of volunteers/committees for debriefing.
Items discussed: Housing for living historians, motel occupancy full, Air BNB for next year. Need to get more information about places to stay here on the fort.
Marketing: Group bicyclists come through on Hwy 90. People stay in the R.V. park and come to look at the historical buildings. Fort Clark needs more advertising and marketing. People just drive by us. Perhaps B. Sweet would let us put a sign up on his property across the highway. Texas Country Reporter was here and maybe could come again. Advertise on San Antonio T.V. Stress that we are a decommissioned Army Fort.
Comments heard: The best FCD ever. Need more food vendors and more activities by the museum. Food vendors, and music/entertainment. An information booth with brochures about everything the fort has to offer and its history. Beer booth needs a sign that says beer. The dulcimer troupe will play outside next year, weather permitting. More food vendors and a variety and some ran out of food. There were about 2,157 people that came through. Parking took in $915.00 from Saturday. The Air Force volunteers did a great job helping with traffic control.
Facebook: Natanya gave a report on marketing on Facebook and Instagram. It was mentioned that we need to do more social media advertising. Older people tend to stay with Facebook, while the younger generation go to Instagram. Not interested in Snap Chat.
Natanya gave a short report on the idea of the photo contest to help market FCD.
Recall vote: Natanya discussed the recall vote for some Community Council officers. The matter was put to the members present and not having a motion made, the recall died. A motion was made by Mrs. McFadden for a vote to affirm the slate of current officers for Community Council. Motion was seconded by (Memo Guzman?). Vote carried and unanimous affirmative vote to affirm the current Community Council Board of Directors with Natanya Watkinson President, Linda O’Brien Vice-President, Kathi Warm Secretary, and Allison Watkinson as Treasurer. No votes opposed and no abstentions. Nomination for at-large member and duties were explained. A list was started which included John Quigley and Yvonne Quigley. Further discussion was had that a review of the by-laws during the Board meeting revealed only one at-large member is required so at the moment we were holding on filling the at-large position.
Monthly movies: FCSA approved the $25.00 fee for Post Theater for showing a movie the 2nd Sat. of each month with a 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. showing inside, and no charge when shown outside. Allison noted that we only make money from donations and concessions. 2018-2019 Community Council made a profit of $33.77. It was stressed that we are not showing movies for profit. It is a community venue. Frozen II will be shown this evening. A committee chair is needed to manage the monthly movies as we go forward. Please e-mail Allison if anyone is interested.
Derby fund raiser: Kentucky Derby is May 2. Mint juleps available and dress up wearing large hats. This is a fund raiser for FCD 2021.
Committee chairs needed for clean-up projects and ghostly tours. Lisa noted that the ad-hoc committee for trail clean-up still exists.
FCD 2021
Allison and Bob are both retiring from spear heading the event. A chairman for the event and chair people to head various committees are needed. Please let them know if interested.
MEMBER COMMENTS: Birding on the Border event. Might be a good idea to participate as it is from April 15-18, and could be used as a marketing tool for FCD.
Allison will continue as living historian coordinator for FCD 2021. Bob said food vendors paid $100.00 for a spot and $25.00 if electricity was supplied. The vendor proceeds went to FCSCC. The electricity proceeds went to FCSA. John Quigley asked about arts and crafts table charges and was told $35.00. The par 3 sits empty except for the Helicopter. We could fill that area up with many vendors.
Linda mentioned that H.M. Bitton is on the Preservation Committee and Jan Metcalf is our representative for that committee.
Allison asked people to fill out the Shalom questionnaire. It involves ideas about Kinney County, Brackettville, and Spofford. The next meeting will be at Slater Hall. Several different organizations have hosted past meetings.
Dennis Leffs gave a lengthy report on the deer harvesting practice of having most of the trails closed during the entire time. He could not take his guests on many of the trails. Chuck Fields then reported that the trails along the creek after the red bridge are also closed during this time.
Kathi Warm had to leave at 11:50 a.m., so no more minutes were taken by FCSCC secretary.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Warm
Absent: Sandra Vance.
FCS Community Council Board Meeting
Items discussed: Have a picture contest for marketing of 2021 FCD. 1st place would receive $100.00. Details will be worked out regarding waiver, dates, etc. 2020 buttons would be sold for $1.00. 2020 T-shirts for $18.00. Meetings will be streamed live.
Community Council meeting
The meeting was held at the FCSA boardroom, and called to order by Natanya at 10:05 am. She informed all present that we are now live streaming our meetings.
There were 29 members that signed in.
Invocation was given by Chuck Fields, and followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of February 8, 2020 were approved as posted to our website by Linda and seconded by Natanya. Motion passed unanimously.
Allison posted an income/expense report for FSCC from 2/1/2020 -2/29/2020. The $586.00 was for speakers that were used for FCD. Allison posted the income/expense report for FCD 2/1/2020-2/29/2020. Mentioned was the thanks to the volunteers that went out and received large donations. Statements are posted on our web site as are detailed PDFs for both accounts. She also explained that since we did not have a 2019 FCD we had $1,500.00-$2,000.00 for FCD 2020. The Duck Inn contributed $1,400 from sales.
Bylaws state that some of the FCD proceeds are to go to the Preservation Committee for restoring the outside of historical buildings. It was mentioned that the committee doesn’t need any money at this time. Topics discussed about what could be done to improve the buildings. Seminole Hall-replumb it so that it could become a revenue maker. Plumbing may cost $6,000.00. Elderhostels, bicycle groups, spelunkers, and various groups could use it for retreats. Post Theater- stage is weak, unstable and needs to be supported. Steve Giblin mentioned that when it rains, the water goes right underneath the floor. He mentioned it would probably cost more than $6,000.00 to repair. No decision made. Linda mentioned that the windows and doors of the Commissary are also in need of repair. They need to be stripped, stained and sealed. Robert Mumme mentioned that Saint Phillip has an apprentice program for plumbers, and they may be willing to come for lodging and meals.
Monday night, 6:00 p.m. at R.V. kitchen meeting of volunteers/committees for debriefing.
Items discussed: Housing for living historians, motel occupancy full, Air BNB for next year. Need to get more information about places to stay here on the fort.
Marketing: Group bicyclists come through on Hwy 90. People stay in the R.V. park and come to look at the historical buildings. Fort Clark needs more advertising and marketing. People just drive by us. Perhaps B. Sweet would let us put a sign up on his property across the highway. Texas Country Reporter was here and maybe could come again. Advertise on San Antonio T.V. Stress that we are a decommissioned Army Fort.
Comments heard: The best FCD ever. Need more food vendors and more activities by the museum. Food vendors, and music/entertainment. An information booth with brochures about everything the fort has to offer and its history. Beer booth needs a sign that says beer. The dulcimer troupe will play outside next year, weather permitting. More food vendors and a variety and some ran out of food. There were about 2,157 people that came through. Parking took in $915.00 from Saturday. The Air Force volunteers did a great job helping with traffic control.
Facebook: Natanya gave a report on marketing on Facebook and Instagram. It was mentioned that we need to do more social media advertising. Older people tend to stay with Facebook, while the younger generation go to Instagram. Not interested in Snap Chat.
Natanya gave a short report on the idea of the photo contest to help market FCD.
Recall vote: Natanya discussed the recall vote for some Community Council officers. The matter was put to the members present and not having a motion made, the recall died. A motion was made by Mrs. McFadden for a vote to affirm the slate of current officers for Community Council. Motion was seconded by (Memo Guzman?). Vote carried and unanimous affirmative vote to affirm the current Community Council Board of Directors with Natanya Watkinson President, Linda O’Brien Vice-President, Kathi Warm Secretary, and Allison Watkinson as Treasurer. No votes opposed and no abstentions. Nomination for at-large member and duties were explained. A list was started which included John Quigley and Yvonne Quigley. Further discussion was had that a review of the by-laws during the Board meeting revealed only one at-large member is required so at the moment we were holding on filling the at-large position.
Monthly movies: FCSA approved the $25.00 fee for Post Theater for showing a movie the 2nd Sat. of each month with a 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. showing inside, and no charge when shown outside. Allison noted that we only make money from donations and concessions. 2018-2019 Community Council made a profit of $33.77. It was stressed that we are not showing movies for profit. It is a community venue. Frozen II will be shown this evening. A committee chair is needed to manage the monthly movies as we go forward. Please e-mail Allison if anyone is interested.
Derby fund raiser: Kentucky Derby is May 2. Mint juleps available and dress up wearing large hats. This is a fund raiser for FCD 2021.
Committee chairs needed for clean-up projects and ghostly tours. Lisa noted that the ad-hoc committee for trail clean-up still exists.
FCD 2021
Allison and Bob are both retiring from spear heading the event. A chairman for the event and chair people to head various committees are needed. Please let them know if interested.
MEMBER COMMENTS: Birding on the Border event. Might be a good idea to participate as it is from April 15-18, and could be used as a marketing tool for FCD.
Allison will continue as living historian coordinator for FCD 2021. Bob said food vendors paid $100.00 for a spot and $25.00 if electricity was supplied. The vendor proceeds went to FCSCC. The electricity proceeds went to FCSA. John Quigley asked about arts and crafts table charges and was told $35.00. The par 3 sits empty except for the Helicopter. We could fill that area up with many vendors.
Linda mentioned that H.M. Bitton is on the Preservation Committee and Jan Metcalf is our representative for that committee.
Allison asked people to fill out the Shalom questionnaire. It involves ideas about Kinney County, Brackettville, and Spofford. The next meeting will be at Slater Hall. Several different organizations have hosted past meetings.
Dennis Leffs gave a lengthy report on the deer harvesting practice of having most of the trails closed during the entire time. He could not take his guests on many of the trails. Chuck Fields then reported that the trails along the creek after the red bridge are also closed during this time.
Kathi Warm had to leave at 11:50 a.m., so no more minutes were taken by FCSCC secretary.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Warm