Meeting Minutes January 11, 2020
Submitted by Kathi Warm
Board Trustees present: Allison Watkinson, Steve Giblin, Kathleen Warm, Bob Hendricks. Absent was Sandra Vance.
There were 27 members that signed in.
The meeting was held at the FCSA boardroom, and called to order by Allison Watkinson at 10:05 a.m.
Invocation was given by Steve Giblin, and followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Allison recognized the new members that were in attendance.
Minutes of November 9, 2019 were read, approved by Sandy Herman, seconded by Phyllis Giblin, and passed unanimously.
Allison posted a copy of Income/Expense Report from 11/1/19-12/31/19 on the screen and gave a detailed report of the items. Allison also explained that a more detailed report could be accessed via our website. She also noted that the Board present today voted to join the Chamber of Commerce for $50.00.
FCSCC hosted 2 movies in Dec. at no charge. On December 19, “The Nutcracker and the Four Realms” was shown for the children. On December 21, “Aladdin” was shown for everyone.
Texas Hold’Em brought in $395.00 and Allison donated $5.00 for a total of $400.00.
Our taxes were paid Jan. 9, 2020.
Fort Clark Days has $3,189.00 in the account. It will cost approximately $7,000.00 for Fort Clark Days to happen. $1,800.00 for the camels, and $500.00 for the Buffalo Soldiers. The total cost for this event also includes the porta-potties, electricity, accommodations and meals for the re-enactors, and other services and items.
New Year’s Eve Dance. It was cancelled as it was too much work to do it, not a lot of volunteers, and we could only limit it to 50 people.
FCSA currently charges us $25.00 for use of the Post Theater for movie night which was the same as last year. Community Council Board voted to keep the schedule the same as last year. The movie will be shown on the second Saturday of the month which is the same day we meet. After Dec. 31, 2019, CC needs to renegotiate the usage agreement for use of the theater for movie night with the FCSA.
Constitution/Bylaws Amendments
Ballots were passed out to all attending to vote on changes to our Constitution and Bylaws.
29 people voted. The results are as follow:
Current Constitution: The following item was removed by a vote of membership in January, 2018. The purpose of Fort Clark Springs Community Council shall be (a) to give members an opportunity to express their views on Fort Clark Springs issues.
Passed to “add back previous purpose (a) to the current constitution” by a majority vote of 27.
Current Constitution: The following item was revised by a vote of the membership in January, 2018. Fort Clark Community Council shall meet annually in January and shall meet each month of the year except July and August. All meetings shall be called and scheduled in conformance with the attached Bylaws.
The January, 2018 Constitution states: Fort Clark Springs Community Council shall meet annually in January and shall meet as directed by the Bylaws. All meetings shall be called and scheduled in conformance with the attached Bylaws.
Passed to “keep wording as adopted in January, 2018 constitution” by a vote of 26.
Bylaws: The following item was revised by a vote of the membership in January, 2018. Regular membership meetings shall be held on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
Current: Regular membership meetings shall be held on the second Saturday of each January, April, September, and November.
Passed “Regular membership meetings shall be held at 10:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of each month except July and August” by a vote of 21.
Elect New Officers
President: Natanya Watkinson Elected by a majority of members present
Vice president: Linda O’Brien Acclamation
Treasurer: Allison Watkinson Acclamation
It was noted that Allison will be acting treasurer until just after Fort Clark Days, 2020.
It was noted that Steve Giblin was resigning as Vice president this date so Linda O’Brien will step in until the normal term for that office is up. Officers were sworn in by Kathi Warm, secretary. Newly elected officers took their respective seats and conducted the rest of the meeting.
A lengthy discussion followed with the treasurer’s position for Community Council and FCD’s.
Scholarship Committee
Phyllis Giblin, Sandy Herman, Barbara McFadden, and Kathi Warm will serve on the committee.
When we meet in April after the festival, we will discuss its future. Discussion again that the funds could be placed in escrow for Preservation Society.
Art Club Garland mentioned that they will make a donation.
Gun Club Someone will attend this month’s meeting to request a donation.
Linda brought up the pros/cons of going from door to door asking for money. It was noted that the donation would be tax deductible and the donor would have to be given a receipt.
The meeting dates of Fort Clark Days committee are on the agenda for everyone to note. Most topics were already discussed.
Garden Club Phyllis reported that Valentine’s Day is “prune your trees day.”
Natanya will make an effort to create a Facebook page for events.
Linda discussed having a spaghetti dinner on Valentine’s day. Could be done at RV park kitchen as no charge to use the facility. Menu was discussed, volunteers are needed. Spaghetti, bread, salad, and dessert for $10.00 a plate and less for a child under 10.
Jan. 28 is Chili Dump at RV park at 5:30. Items needed for the dump are chili, corn bread, and dessert.
Thoughts were to ask for Fort Clark Day’s donation at Sat. breakfast at RV park.
March 15, Laughlin Air Force base is having a 2020 Fiesta of Flight Air & Space Expo.
Livestock show and lunch today.
Next meeting: February 8, FCSA board room 10:00
ADJOURN at 11:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Warm
There were 27 members that signed in.
The meeting was held at the FCSA boardroom, and called to order by Allison Watkinson at 10:05 a.m.
Invocation was given by Steve Giblin, and followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Allison recognized the new members that were in attendance.
Minutes of November 9, 2019 were read, approved by Sandy Herman, seconded by Phyllis Giblin, and passed unanimously.
Allison posted a copy of Income/Expense Report from 11/1/19-12/31/19 on the screen and gave a detailed report of the items. Allison also explained that a more detailed report could be accessed via our website. She also noted that the Board present today voted to join the Chamber of Commerce for $50.00.
FCSCC hosted 2 movies in Dec. at no charge. On December 19, “The Nutcracker and the Four Realms” was shown for the children. On December 21, “Aladdin” was shown for everyone.
Texas Hold’Em brought in $395.00 and Allison donated $5.00 for a total of $400.00.
Our taxes were paid Jan. 9, 2020.
Fort Clark Days has $3,189.00 in the account. It will cost approximately $7,000.00 for Fort Clark Days to happen. $1,800.00 for the camels, and $500.00 for the Buffalo Soldiers. The total cost for this event also includes the porta-potties, electricity, accommodations and meals for the re-enactors, and other services and items.
New Year’s Eve Dance. It was cancelled as it was too much work to do it, not a lot of volunteers, and we could only limit it to 50 people.
FCSA currently charges us $25.00 for use of the Post Theater for movie night which was the same as last year. Community Council Board voted to keep the schedule the same as last year. The movie will be shown on the second Saturday of the month which is the same day we meet. After Dec. 31, 2019, CC needs to renegotiate the usage agreement for use of the theater for movie night with the FCSA.
Constitution/Bylaws Amendments
Ballots were passed out to all attending to vote on changes to our Constitution and Bylaws.
29 people voted. The results are as follow:
Current Constitution: The following item was removed by a vote of membership in January, 2018. The purpose of Fort Clark Springs Community Council shall be (a) to give members an opportunity to express their views on Fort Clark Springs issues.
Passed to “add back previous purpose (a) to the current constitution” by a majority vote of 27.
Current Constitution: The following item was revised by a vote of the membership in January, 2018. Fort Clark Community Council shall meet annually in January and shall meet each month of the year except July and August. All meetings shall be called and scheduled in conformance with the attached Bylaws.
The January, 2018 Constitution states: Fort Clark Springs Community Council shall meet annually in January and shall meet as directed by the Bylaws. All meetings shall be called and scheduled in conformance with the attached Bylaws.
Passed to “keep wording as adopted in January, 2018 constitution” by a vote of 26.
Bylaws: The following item was revised by a vote of the membership in January, 2018. Regular membership meetings shall be held on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m.
Current: Regular membership meetings shall be held on the second Saturday of each January, April, September, and November.
Passed “Regular membership meetings shall be held at 10:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of each month except July and August” by a vote of 21.
Elect New Officers
President: Natanya Watkinson Elected by a majority of members present
Vice president: Linda O’Brien Acclamation
Treasurer: Allison Watkinson Acclamation
It was noted that Allison will be acting treasurer until just after Fort Clark Days, 2020.
It was noted that Steve Giblin was resigning as Vice president this date so Linda O’Brien will step in until the normal term for that office is up. Officers were sworn in by Kathi Warm, secretary. Newly elected officers took their respective seats and conducted the rest of the meeting.
A lengthy discussion followed with the treasurer’s position for Community Council and FCD’s.
Scholarship Committee
Phyllis Giblin, Sandy Herman, Barbara McFadden, and Kathi Warm will serve on the committee.
When we meet in April after the festival, we will discuss its future. Discussion again that the funds could be placed in escrow for Preservation Society.
Art Club Garland mentioned that they will make a donation.
Gun Club Someone will attend this month’s meeting to request a donation.
Linda brought up the pros/cons of going from door to door asking for money. It was noted that the donation would be tax deductible and the donor would have to be given a receipt.
The meeting dates of Fort Clark Days committee are on the agenda for everyone to note. Most topics were already discussed.
Garden Club Phyllis reported that Valentine’s Day is “prune your trees day.”
Natanya will make an effort to create a Facebook page for events.
Linda discussed having a spaghetti dinner on Valentine’s day. Could be done at RV park kitchen as no charge to use the facility. Menu was discussed, volunteers are needed. Spaghetti, bread, salad, and dessert for $10.00 a plate and less for a child under 10.
Jan. 28 is Chili Dump at RV park at 5:30. Items needed for the dump are chili, corn bread, and dessert.
Thoughts were to ask for Fort Clark Day’s donation at Sat. breakfast at RV park.
March 15, Laughlin Air Force base is having a 2020 Fiesta of Flight Air & Space Expo.
Livestock show and lunch today.
Next meeting: February 8, FCSA board room 10:00
ADJOURN at 11:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Warm