Candidates Forum
February 9, 2019
9:30-11:45 am
Post Theater
Each year, FCSCC sponsors a Candidate's Forum so the FCSA membership has the opportunity to meet and ask questions of the candidates running for the FCSA Board of Directors. Because FCSCC is a 501(c)3 organization, we do not endorse any candidate, but rather host the forum as a community service for the membership.
This year, seven members have stepped up and said they are willing to serve on the FCSA Board of Directors. Please come out and meet them and ask questions. The forum will close at 11:45 and will be followed by an informal meet and greet.
Here is the official line up for the forum and the order the candidates will be on the ballot:
1. Susan Hughes
2. Linda O'Brien
3. Dan Sullivan
4. William Link
5. Charles Fish
6. Ken Knox
7. Bill Herman
The following is the format for the forum:
The forum will go from 9:30am to 11:45am with a 10 minute break at 10:30am. At 11:45 there will be an informal meet and greet with the candidates.
The forum will begin with the moderator going over the ground rules for the forum and will introduce the candidates in the order they appear on the ballot. Those in the audience can either ask a question orally or submit a written one. The moderator will alternate between oral and written questions.
All candidates will receive an invitation, by email, on Monday, January 14th to attend the February 9th Candidate Forum. They will be sent the following guidelines with any changes made by the Community
Council board or members attending our annual meeting this Saturday, January 12th:
- Opening remarks by each candidate will be limited to two minutes (opening statements will begin with the first person on the ballot).
- Closing remarks by each candidate will be limited to two minutes (closing statements will begin with the last person on the ballot).
- Candidate responses to audience questions will be limited to two minutes.
- When multiple candidates are asked to respond, a different candidate will be the first to respond each time (moderator will manage).
- If the member has a follow-up question, the candidate will have one minute to respond.
Those in the audience who want to ask a question orally or submit a written question will be required to follow these guidelines:
- Members with a question will line up at the microphone and give their name. Their initial question is limited to one minute.
- Written questions are to be put into the basket provided at the back of theater.
- Members with a question may direct their questions (oral or written) to any number of candidates.
- The member will remain at the microphone until the question has been answered by the candidate(s).
- The member may ask a 30 second follow-up question before sitting back down.
- All audience members will be given the opportunity to ask a question prior to 11:45am before a previous member may return to the line to ask another question.
- Any member who is not respectful when asking a question, is rude, or offensive in behavior against candidate(s) or member(s) will be asked to sit down or to leave the forum.
Any written questions not asked will be available for anyone to view after the forum. Questions will not be asked if they are deemed a duplicate or offensive.
In all circumstances, when the timer goes off, the speaker will become silent.
At 11:30 candidates will give their closing statements. At 11:45 the forum will be closed and everyone will adjourn to the back of the theater for an informal reception to meet and greet the candidates.
Miscellaneous Items:
- A sign up sheet for members wishing to ask questions will be in the foyer along with paper and basket for those wanting to submit written questions
- Water will be provided free of charge to all present
- Security wil be present
- Long tables will be set up in front with microphones and candidate names
This format will also be posted to FB, sent out in the Fort Dispatch and submitted to the Kinney County Post.